The art of motivation – can be experienced in this workshop.
Motivation is an important individual and company-wide resource. And yet it is often underestimated. Because there are too many unanswered questions and theories about what motivation actually is and how it can be used effectively as a resource. It is an essential factor for the willingness to perform and learn in organizations. And the best thing about her? It is contagious and regenerates itself if it is properly cared for. And that’s not as difficult as some imagine.
Many psychological models deal with motivation. In addition to theory, we convey curiosity, practical perspectives and helpful tools for this important topic. In this workshop, your employees and managers learn how to deal with motivation and demotivation in the best possible way. Not only can those who wish to get excited about it, they even learn to motivate others.
And if you are now motivated to develop these skills, just contact us.